
Happy Thursday to you!

The day is winding down, and it is a stormy night. This is the perfect setting for popcorn and movies (romantic comedies & documentaries are my go-to). However, before I get to that, I want to say thank you. I want to take a moment of my life today and do something extraordinary. And what’s more extraordinary than expressing gratitude? Yes, I’m being serious! In this world, I’m certain that there are many reasons to complain and murmur. Yet, there’s strength and dignity in nurturing a grateful heart. Therefore, every week, I make a commitment to appreciate life. I make a commitment to publicly share my thanks for the simple things, as well as the miracles and wonders happening around me. You can follow my Weekly Gratitude list below, and you can view previous lists by clicking the tag to your right. Also, I want you to join me in this time of thanksgiving. So, in the comment section, feel free to share your own list.

Weekly Gratitude List

  1. Thank you Lord for your presence.
  2. Thank you Lord for the miracles and wonders you have brought about in my life.
  3. Thank you Lord for the love of family and friends.
  4. Thank you Lord for the rainfall and fresh air.
  5. Thank you Lord for the tomatoes growing in my backyard.
  6. Thank you Lord for seedtime and harvest.
  7. Thank you Lord for the changing seasons.
  8. Thank you Lord that weeping only endures for a night and joy comes in the morning.
  9. Thank you Lord for your salvation and redemption.
  10. Thank you Lord for drawing us back to You.
  11. Thank you Lord for protecting us as we travel to various destinations.
  12. Thank you Lord for the marriages and births that increase our families and bring joy.
  13. Thank you Lord for healing relationships and the gift of reconciliation.
  14. Thank you Lord for teaching us how to love and serve each other.



 Psalm 40:9 I have told the glad news of deliverance in the great congregation; see, I have not restrained my lips, as you know, O Lord. 10 I have not hidden your saving help within my heart, I have spoken of your faithfulness and your salvation; I have not concealed your steadfast love and your faithfulness from the great congregation.