Guest Blogger: Zelena Sellman

Happy Friday to you!

Lately I've been doing a lot of reflecting on all of the blessings God has given to me and my family. I'm so amazed by how he cares for us even though we are undeserving of anything at all. Because the Lord is so faithful to me, it's always given me great joy to give out of my overflow. It bothers me when I can't give as much as I would like to. Now that I'm a stay at home mom I don't have an income apart from my husband's. This makes it really hard for me to give in a monetary way. I've been thinking of other ways to express my gratitude to the Lord for his faithfulness towards me. 

One of the things God has blessed me with is a wonderful grocery budget. I loooove to cook. I usually cook twice a day, and many evenings we have leftovers. While I don't have an income of my own to tithe or give offering, I can give of my time and other resources. Each time my husband and I go into the city to visit my in laws, we pass a group of homeless people who live under a bridge. This Sunday, instead of going to church, I am going to prepare brunch for them and share God's word. 

For about two months Justin (my husband) had been begging me to let him buy us IPhones. I was totally against it because we don't have a contract. That meant we would have to pay full price for our phones. I'm a very frugal person so I don't normally give in to making big purchases of things we don't necessarily need. This time I gave in because I know how hard he works to take care of us and he deserves a treat every now and again. After buying our new phones we had our perfectly functional and up to date android phones just laying around. Initially I thought it would be a good idea to save them because iPhones are very fragile and someday we might need the old phones. This week we were presented with the opportunity to help two men who desperately needed phones. It made my heart glad to be able to help someone.

Giving can be tough when you lack in certain areas, but there are so many ways we can give back to the Lord. We give to the Lord each time we give to others. If you don't have money to give you can give by serving others with whatever resources you do have and your time. This weekend examine your life and see what blessings are abundant. Then with a cheerful heart disperse that overflow to someone else! Until next time, 



Deuteronomy 16:17 Every man shall give as he is able, according to the blessing of the LORD your God which He has given you.