
Happy Wednesday to you!

I interrupt your regularly scheduled program to bring to you a very important message. This post is dedicated to all the avid readers and poetry lovers throughout the world. The complete collection of poems entitled, The Naive Voices Wisdom (T.N.V.W) is now available for purchase via this link. Hooray! Aren't you thrilled? Maybe, you're just confused. You may be wondering, "Why are you telling me about this book?" You're probably saying, "I only came here for my daily dose of inspiration!" I hear you. Ladies and gents, I wouldn't steer you wrong. The Naive Voices Wisdom (T.N.V.W) is a book you definitely want to add to your library as soon as possible. The following are my top 5 reasons why you should order a copy of this poetry collection.

1. T.N.V.W is a coming of age story that young people all over the world can relate to.

2. T.N.V.W highlights the most memorable moments of childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood. (Every now and then, it's good to take a trip down memory lane.)

3. T.N.V.W brings together spirituality, romance, and black culture in a random yet beautiful way. 

4. T.N.V.W is only $8 + S/H (That's the equivalent to the cost of one meal across 7 days. It's reasonably priced.)

5. T.N.V.W was written by yours truly over the span of two decades. (I'm excited to finally share a small piece of my art with you.)

Now, I'm asking for your support! If you love the inspirational posts from this website, I'm certain that you will love my latest publication. Order your copy today, and post your review in a future post on your blog or in the comment section below.



Jeremiah 30:2 Thus speaks the Lord God of Israel, saying: Write in a book for yourself all the words that I have spoken to you.