
Happy Sunday to you!

This is a special post! To begin with, I just returned home from an awesome service at church. God's presence was extremely tangible throughout the service. God was definitely healing and comforting His people. *Thank you Lord!*

Yet, there is one more reason why this day is special to me. Twenty-four years ago, today, my best friend was born. Since I am not able to spend the day with her, I want to pay tribute via this post. We have been friends for over 10 years, and I have learned so much from this woman. She is more like my sister than she is a friend. Here's a list of lessons, we can take away from such a unique relationship.

1. Presence is not defined solely by physical location.

2. Praying together can unleash greater power than praying alone.

3. A great listener can speed up the healing process.

4. Besides God, parents, or siblings, a true friend is one of the greatest providers of unconditional love.

5. Duets are one of the best forms of comedy.

6. Do not answer when that Big Mac (yes, the food) starts calling you.

7. Giving engenders more joy than receiving.

8. Serve others out of the best part of yourself, especially the people closest to you.

9. Out of patience and perseverance comes great reward.

10. Special thanks to my best friend's husband for understanding our lovely friendship. (And) Thanks for loving her the way you do!



Proverbs 17:17 A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.