When the Going Gets Tough

I have 5 awesome tips to help you get through hard times. Perhaps, you're dealing with a death in your family, lack of employment, or another type of difficulty. Putting these tips into practice will change your mindset and (hopefully) change your behavior. Ultimately, I hope they will enrich your life.

1) Pray.

Some people believe in GOD. Some people do not believe in GOD. With that said, prayer can be used for many reasons: to gain peace, to self-reflect, to mourn, to give thanks, to receive healing, etc. Personally, I am a follower of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ urges HIS followers to pray without ceasing. My life has been positively impacted by prayer: individually and corporately. Click on the following links to learn about the power of prayer.

Matthew 21:21-23

Philippians 4:5-7

Romans 12:12

Ephesians 6:18

Luke 6:28

Acts 4:31

James 5:15-17

2) Write down or record audibly a gratitude list. 

Everyone experiences adversity. Most people experience adversity non-stop throughout their entire lives. Nevertheless, there is always something to give thanks for. Maybe, you don't have parents, but you have loving support from your siblings. Maybe you don't have family, but you have other people who invest in you and show you love. Maybe you don't have anything in your cabinet to eat besides a can of beans, but you ate today. I could go on and on, but you get the gist. (Doing this with a best friend can be very therapeutic. You can each take turns writing down 15 things you are grateful for. I am doing this right now with my best friend. Yep, right now!)

3) Enjoy quality comedy.

All I can say regarding this tip is: pure laughter is medicine. God is genius for creating comedy & laughter.

4) Eat well. Drink well. Rest well.

Basically, take care of your spirit, your mind, and your body.

5) Read.

News. Fiction. Non-fiction. Fashion magazines. Science Fiction. Poetry. You name it.



Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.