Tips for a Successful Week

How was your weekend? (Let me know in the comment section below & contact me on Instagram to let me know you stopped by!) I'm here to give some advice on how to start the week off positively & peacefully. I'll add some scriptural references that you can look at, if interested.

1) Wake up and give thanks.

It's a day you've never seen before. Once it's passed, it's a day you'll never see again. Don't take for granted the opportunity to express gratitude for all the good in your life. If you feel as though there's nothing good in your life, be grateful for a NEW day and a FRESH start!

2) Read something or talk to someone that can help you to increase in wisdom.

We all want to live our best lives possible. That goal is impossible to achieve without quality instruction and sound advice. Be an active and humble learner.

3) Remain quiet for a moment.

Your day may be filled with constant noise from: family, friends, co-workers, etc. You'll be inundated with lots of information. Before the craziness begins, be quiet. In the midst of the craziness, take a moment to be quiet. When the day is done, be quiet. It helps, trust me.



Proverbs 1:5 A wise man will hear, and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: